Resource Articles

Providing free community support and outreach for young parents and teen moms in Victoria, BC since 2010.
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The page below contains a categorized list of our resource articles. Below each category section is a slider which can navigate right and left between all the articles in that category. Each blog category contains information, resources and types for young parents.


Cost of care for children can exceed university tuition

Daycare prices in Metro Vancouver have risen so high that the cost of four years of early-childhood care can exceed that of a four-year university degree.

To Stop Violence, Start at Home

Men who are eventually arrested for violent acts often began with attacks against their girlfriends and wives. In many cases, the charges of domestic violence were not taken seriously or were dismissed.

5 Minutes Of What The Media Actually Does To Women

True fact: Almost 100% of the images you see of models and celebrities are altered.   [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=jWKXit_3rpQ width=640 height=480 anchor=]...

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year

The following clip is a glimpse into how the media treated women this year. There are way too many cringe-worthy moments to say the least. [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=NswJ4kO9uHc width=640 height=480...

Public Toilet – Breast Feeding

"I support breastfeeding...but...I don't need to see it." I'll be honest, it's hard for me to hold back on the expletives when this phrase (and so many others like it) get thrown around with utter disregard for the impact that they have.  These words used to hit me...

A Bunch Of Famous Men Star In White House PSA On Sexual Assault

The following video is a powerful message from the 1 is 2 many campaign started in the U.S. by Vice President Biden. Despite the significant progress made in reducing violence against women, there is still a long way to go. Young women still face the highest rates of...

Identifying Child Sexual Assault

The following video was produced by the Israeli Association of Rape Crisis Centres. The clip is a short animated movie for parent and kids. The intension of this venture is, on one hand, to guide parents on how to identify CSA, and, on the other hand, encourage...

To Protect Battered Women, You Have to Protect Their Pets

Earlier this year, a New York City woman–I’ll call her Mary–tried to leave her abusive husband. She contacted a shelter, but the shelter wouldn’t take pets. Nor would any other shelter in the city. Mary’s son said he couldn’t leave his three cats behind. And so, since Mary couldn’t leave without her son, she stayed outside the shelter system.

Crystal Meth // The Hardest Drug – Documentary 2013

A hard hitting documentary which follows a journalist as he explores the harsh underbelly of the California drug scene

Baby Makes Six: Victoria parents, we salute you.

A few months ago, a picture of a woman in one of those desperate parenting situations was covered by several news organizations. It showed the woman holding a toddler boy over a public trash can somewhere in B.C. so he could go pee – which he was doing in spectacular...


Timing of First Sex Has Far-Reaching Relationship Effects

Research looking at how the timing of sexual initiation in adolescence impacts adult romantic ties finds that having sex later may lead to better relationships. In a new study, Dr. Paige Harden, a psychological scientist, investigated how the timing of sexual...

To Stop Violence, Start at Home

Men who are eventually arrested for violent acts often began with attacks against their girlfriends and wives. In many cases, the charges of domestic violence were not taken seriously or were dismissed.

My Brother Was The Last Person You’d Picture With A Needle In His Arm

  Article by: ERIN MARIE DALY, GENERATION RX   Editor's note: The following is an excerpt from the upcoming book "Generation Rx: A Story of Dope, Death, And America's Opiate Crisis" by Erin Marie Daly, a former legal journalist. Daly's 20-year-old brother...

5 Minutes Of What The Media Actually Does To Women

True fact: Almost 100% of the images you see of models and celebrities are altered.   [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=jWKXit_3rpQ width=640 height=480 anchor=]...

Public Toilet – Breast Feeding

"I support breastfeeding...but...I don't need to see it." I'll be honest, it's hard for me to hold back on the expletives when this phrase (and so many others like it) get thrown around with utter disregard for the impact that they have.  These words used to hit me...

A Bunch Of Famous Men Star In White House PSA On Sexual Assault

The following video is a powerful message from the 1 is 2 many campaign started in the U.S. by Vice President Biden. Despite the significant progress made in reducing violence against women, there is still a long way to go. Young women still face the highest rates of...

Crystal Meth // The Hardest Drug – Documentary 2013

A hard hitting documentary which follows a journalist as he explores the harsh underbelly of the California drug scene

Comfort Food

No one brings dinner when your daughter is an addict. When my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, we ate well. Mary Beth and I had both read the terrifying pathology report of a tumor the size of an olive. The surgical digging for lymph nodes was followed by months...

‘Aging Out’: Tough Road for Teens Too Old to Be ‘In Care’

You're 19, officially an adult. Happy birthday. Now get out of the house. As parents, few of us would take such a brutal approach. Yet in our role as citizens that is exactly the style we adopt toward teenagers "in care" of the Crown -- for whom the government is,...

Body Modifications and Breastfeeding

Body Modifications are a group of practices that include branding, scarification, tattooing, piercing, and other body art.  Body modifications have been around nearly as long as breastfeeding. Archaeologists, historians and body art practitioners note that tattooing...

Nicole’s Blog

Working Together

Nicky connected with The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program a few years ago. She was very young, pregnant, had no positive support from family or from her baby’s father. She had no idea of how to care for a baby or how to be a parent. The only thing of which she was...

FA 2020 Impact Story

Kate knew she was in trouble when Mike threatened her with his fist. The children had been crying and he was frustrated and on edge. His violent behavior had been escalating since Kate’s last pregnancy. The pandemic had been hard on their marriage — the loss of...

A Bunch Of Famous Men Star In White House PSA On Sexual Assault

The following video is a powerful message from the 1 is 2 many campaign started in the U.S. by Vice President Biden. Despite the significant progress made in reducing violence against women, there is still a long way to go. Young women still face the highest rates of...

Ten “Make My Life Easier” Tricks

Nicole Andrews The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program   As a busy Mom, these are some of my tips that I use every day to try and make my life a little easier. I have two kids and my partner has four, so every other week we become a family of...


Nicole Andrews The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program   It’s an ugly word. It causes blood pressure to go up and makes your palms sweaty. It can disrupt your day, week or months of your life. It takes energy away from other parts of your...

There is only one me!

Nicole Andrews The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program   Welcome to the New Year! Many of you at this time make resolutions and set goals for yourselves. Maybe it’s to de- home, or to eat healthier, or to lose a few extra pounds from all the...

A Mom is Born

When a baby is born, so is a mom, metaphorically speaking. You are gifted the title of Mom and with the title comes a new name, job, role, and position. The list is endless and the importance is infinite with this new role and a new responsibility. How you grow into...

Do you love yourself?

Nicole Andrews The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program   This blog started with a conversation that lead to 3 more, then a few more after that, then a quote I read: “Be WITH someone who makes you happy!” This is a question that I struggle...

The Economics of Emotion

It’s about the emotional room in your life. You can really only carve out so much room for others.


  Too many balls in the air. You’ll understand the title when I explain where this is going. So I’m writing this at home while my youngest daughter is on the couch. It’s 2 pm in the afternoon on a school day. Get where this is going? She is home sick. And not...


Working Together

Nicky connected with The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program a few years ago. She was very young, pregnant, had no positive support from family or from her baby’s father. She had no idea of how to care for a baby or how to be a parent. The only thing of which she was...

Cost of care for children can exceed university tuition

Daycare prices in Metro Vancouver have risen so high that the cost of four years of early-childhood care can exceed that of a four-year university degree.

A Glimpse At How The Media Treated Women This Year

The following clip is a glimpse into how the media treated women this year. There are way too many cringe-worthy moments to say the least. [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=NswJ4kO9uHc width=640 height=480...

Public Toilet – Breast Feeding

"I support breastfeeding...but...I don't need to see it." I'll be honest, it's hard for me to hold back on the expletives when this phrase (and so many others like it) get thrown around with utter disregard for the impact that they have.  These words used to hit me...


Working Together

Nicky connected with The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program a few years ago. She was very young, pregnant, had no positive support from family or from her baby’s father. She had no idea of how to care for a baby or how to be a parent. The only thing of which she was...

Public Toilet – Breast Feeding

"I support breastfeeding...but...I don't need to see it." I'll be honest, it's hard for me to hold back on the expletives when this phrase (and so many others like it) get thrown around with utter disregard for the impact that they have.  These words used to hit me...

Young Dads

Young dads can be great fathers. You are young, fun, and have lots of energy (sometimes). This is a great time to get involved in your child's life. You can support your baby's mother emotionally throughout the pregnancy, perhaps attend prenatal classes or Dr....

A Mom is Born

When a baby is born, so is a mom, metaphorically speaking. You are gifted the title of Mom and with the title comes a new name, job, role, and position. The list is endless and the importance is infinite with this new role and a new responsibility. How you grow into...


Cost of care for children can exceed university tuition

Daycare prices in Metro Vancouver have risen so high that the cost of four years of early-childhood care can exceed that of a four-year university degree.

To Stop Violence, Start at Home

Men who are eventually arrested for violent acts often began with attacks against their girlfriends and wives. In many cases, the charges of domestic violence were not taken seriously or were dismissed.

My Brother Was The Last Person You’d Picture With A Needle In His Arm

  Article by: ERIN MARIE DALY, GENERATION RX   Editor's note: The following is an excerpt from the upcoming book "Generation Rx: A Story of Dope, Death, And America's Opiate Crisis" by Erin Marie Daly, a former legal journalist. Daly's 20-year-old brother...

5 Minutes Of What The Media Actually Does To Women

True fact: Almost 100% of the images you see of models and celebrities are altered.   [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=jWKXit_3rpQ width=640 height=480 anchor=]...
Nicole Andrews

Nicole Andrews

Young Parent Outreach Worker

Nicole has been a dedicated employee of the Cridge for over 20 years. With a degree in Child and Youth Care from the University of Victoria, Nicole pioneered the Young Parent Outreach program in 2011. Since then, her unique and caring approach to working with young parents of Greater Victoria have made The Cridge YPOP program thrive.

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