Young Dads

Young Dads

Young dads can be great fathers. You are young, fun, and have lots of energy (sometimes). This is a great time to get involved in your child’s life. You can support your baby’s mother emotionally throughout the pregnancy, perhaps attend prenatal classes...
A Mom is Born

A Mom is Born

When a baby is born, so is a mom, metaphorically speaking. You are gifted the title of Mom and with the title comes a new name, job, role, and position. The list is endless and the importance is infinite with this new role and a new responsibility. How you grow into...
Methamphetamine Use During Pregnancy

Methamphetamine Use During Pregnancy

What is methamphetamine? Methamphetamine, commonly known as “meth,” “crystal,” “crank,” “ice” and “speed” — is an illegal and dangerous drug that can be snorted, swallowed, smoked, injected or inhaled. A central nervous system stimulant, methamphetamine causes the...