Success: Lisa’s Story

Success: Lisa’s Story

Lisa is a young mom with a brand new baby. The father of Lisa’s baby had violently abused Lisa and as often happens, the abuse had gotten even worse during Lisa’s pregnancy. Lisa knew she could not live with him when their baby was born. Lisa had grown up in foster...
Success: Eileen’s Story

Success: Eileen’s Story

Eileen found The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program 3 years ago. She was 19, had one baby, was pregnant with a second, and knew she needed to leave her abusive partner. She had not finished high school, had no job skills and was scared, depressed, and hopeless. Her...
Success: Testimonial

Success: Testimonial

The Cridge YPOP has made a world of difference to my little family. I wasn’t driving and I was on income assistance with my daughter who was an infant. The Cridge YPOP helped me get to the food bank food because income assistance doesn’t give much and I...