Eileen found The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program 3 years ago. She was 19, had one baby, was pregnant with a second, and knew she needed to leave her abusive partner. She had not finished high school, had no job skills and was scared, depressed, and hopeless. Her future looked very bleak. Nicole, our Cridge Young Parent Outreach Worker has faithfully supported Eileen to get out and stay out of the relationship with her partner and to stabilize her health.

With lots of encouragement and support, Eileen has completed an employment program, participated in the Cridge Asset Building Program for Youth, and is now taking one of the high school courses she needs to graduate. She stays connected to Nicole as an “anchor” to help her stay focused on creating a safe, stable, happy future for herself and her children. We are so proud of Eileen’s accomplishments and the work that Nicole does to help young moms and their children thrive.