by HomeOfEighT8 | Mar 14, 2012 | Advice, Resources
Teenage pregnancy is associated with health challenges and health risk behaviours. However, promoting protective factors in the lives of young people who are involved in a pregnancy may help foster healthy development. This is the conclusion from the recently released...
by HomeOfEighT8 | Feb 29, 2012 | Parenting, Resources
According to new research released from UBC, babies born to depressed mothers acquire language skills at a slightly different rate than do babies of non-depressed women. Not only that, but the children of women treating their depression with serotonin reuptake...
by HomeOfEighT8 | Oct 28, 2011 | Advice, Parenting
Try riding the bus to high school while lugging a bag of heavy textbooks, plus a 3-month-old infant, complete with a day’s worth of baby gear. It will make you strong. While my peers were joking around and having fun on the morning commute, I was–at age 17–suffering...
by HomeOfEighT8 | Oct 4, 2011 | Advice, Health, Pregnancy
What is methamphetamine? Methamphetamine, commonly known as “meth,” “crystal,” “crank,” “ice” and “speed” — is an illegal and dangerous drug that can be snorted, swallowed, smoked, injected or inhaled. A central nervous system stimulant, methamphetamine causes the...
by HomeOfEighT8 | May 25, 2011 | Parenting, Pregnancy
The teen pregnancy rate in Canada is declining faster than in the United States, England or Sweden, and experts say that reflects a generation of teenagers who are better informed about sex and young women who see a future that includes goals other than motherhood....