Success: Alison’s Story

Success: Alison’s Story

Alison was 18 when she connected with Nicole and The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program. She was pregnant and felt isolated and hopeless. Nicole helped her connect to a midwife and other community supports. Alison had stable housing and was managing all right by the...
Success: Laura’s Story

Success: Laura’s Story

Laura is a young mom with two young daughters. Laura had a very fractured relationship with her parents during her adolescence. She moved out before finishing high school and ended up couch-surfing and hanging out with a few friends on the street. When she got...


Nicole Andrews The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program   It’s an ugly word. It causes blood pressure to go up and makes your palms sweaty. It can disrupt your day, week or months of your life. It takes energy away from other parts of your...


Alone. Feeling alone. Parenting alone. Single parenting is not the same though. Alone takes on a very different meaning. You can be lonely in a room full of people or lonely sitting on the couch in an empty room. You can only be truly, physically alone in one of those...