by HomeOfEighT8 | May 7, 2014 | Advice, Health, Parenting, Pregnancy, Resources
“I support breastfeeding…but…I don’t need to see it.” I’ll be honest, it’s hard for me to hold back on the expletives when this phrase (and so many others like it) get thrown around with utter disregard for the impact that...
by HomeOfEighT8 | Apr 28, 2013 | Featured Article, Young Parent's Forum
In the world of parenting there are a million choices we have to make. How will we diaper and clothe our children? Are we going to baby wear or push them in stroller? Are we going to follow traditional feeding choices when introducing solids or follow baby-led...
by HomeOfEighT8 | Oct 11, 2012 | Featured Article, Health, Parenting, Pregnancy
Body Modifications are a group of practices that include branding, scarification, tattooing, piercing, and other body art. Body modifications have been around nearly as long as breastfeeding. Archaeologists, historians and body art practitioners note that tattooing...
by HomeOfEighT8 | Feb 8, 2012 | Advice, Parenting
When a mother reaches for a bottle of formula before even trying to put her baby to the breast, I judge. When my neighbour brings home fast food multiple times a week for her kids, I shake my head. And when I see cranky babies in the grocery store at 9 p.m. at night,...