Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

I. What is substance abuse? First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you. – F. Scott Fitzgerald In a recent study by the University of Michigan, 8th, 10th, and 12th graders across the country are continuing to show a gradual...
Tattoos During Pregnancy

Tattoos During Pregnancy

Once thought of as something only for bikers, rebellious teenagers or servicemen, tattoos have become quite fashionable and more accepted in all ages and sexes. Men, women, moms, dads, teens and grandmas can all be found sporting butterflies, barbed wire bracelets,...
Confronting the Myths of Single Parenting

Confronting the Myths of Single Parenting

The stigma attached to being a single parent is rising anew. Many media commentators blame America’s up-trend in violence and other social problems on family breakdown: on single parents. This stigma is based on myths and stereotypes that have been promoted by...
Success: Lisa’s Story

Success: Lisa’s Story

Lisa is a young mom with a brand new baby. The father of Lisa’s baby had violently abused Lisa and as often happens, the abuse had gotten even worse during Lisa’s pregnancy. Lisa knew she could not live with him when their baby was born. Lisa had grown up in foster...
Success: Eileen’s Story

Success: Eileen’s Story

Eileen found The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program 3 years ago. She was 19, had one baby, was pregnant with a second, and knew she needed to leave her abusive partner. She had not finished high school, had no job skills and was scared, depressed, and hopeless. Her...