My Struggle with Addiction

My Struggle with Addiction

During the summer of 1996, when I was 11, I became drastically sick with lupus. I was admitted to Children’s Hospital Boston and put on high doses of steroids, which made my face puffy and round and made me gain 80 pounds. Despite frequent hospitalizations, the...
Cutting: Why Teens Hurt Themselves

Cutting: Why Teens Hurt Themselves

Every year millions of kids deliberately cut their own skin, desperately looking for relief from overwhelming stress, anxiety and insecurity. Learn what’s behind the self-injury problem and how parents can stop the pain. Caia Pattynama hesitated the first time...
Methamphetamine Use During Pregnancy

Methamphetamine Use During Pregnancy

What is methamphetamine? Methamphetamine, commonly known as “meth,” “crystal,” “crank,” “ice” and “speed” — is an illegal and dangerous drug that can be snorted, swallowed, smoked, injected or inhaled. A central nervous system stimulant, methamphetamine causes the...

Alcohol use climbing faster on Island

Alcohol consumption is climbing at a faster rate on Vancouver Island than in other regions in B.C., according to the Centre for Addictions Research of B.C. at UVic. Centre director Tim Stockwell suggests the Island’s higher rate, measured between 2002 and 2009,...