by HomeOfEighT8 | Apr 11, 2012 | Advice, Nicole's Blog, Resources
So I sit here and the title of this blog post would be “Show Me The Money, Honey”. But I am conflicted as I write this because I want to write from a place that represents living in poverty and trying to raise a child. But I also have this other compelling side to...
by HomeOfEighT8 | Mar 26, 2012 | Advice, Nicole's Blog, Resources
So today is the first day of trying to keep up with all my brilliant ideas and to start to blog about my experiences as a young parent outreach worker. I know I have it in me; the ideas are always filling my head. Trying to source material for the parents I work with...
by HomeOfEighT8 | Mar 14, 2012 | Advice, Resources
Teenage pregnancy is associated with health challenges and health risk behaviours. However, promoting protective factors in the lives of young people who are involved in a pregnancy may help foster healthy development. This is the conclusion from the recently released...
by HomeOfEighT8 | Nov 28, 2011 | Advice, New Releases, Parenting
B.C. Council for Families - Alliance for Young Parents has created these amazing short videos that take a look at the challenges facing vulnerable young families and the successes they can achieve with the support of a Young Parent...
by HomeOfEighT8 | Oct 28, 2011 | Advice, Health, Parenting
During the summer of 1996, when I was 11, I became drastically sick with lupus. I was admitted to Children’s Hospital Boston and put on high doses of steroids, which made my face puffy and round and made me gain 80 pounds. Despite frequent hospitalizations, the...