

Nicole Andrews The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program   It’s an ugly word. It causes blood pressure to go up and makes your palms sweaty. It can disrupt your day, week or months of your life. It takes energy away from other parts of your...
Facts about BC Youth and Pregnancy

Facts about BC Youth and Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is associated with health challenges and health risk behaviours. However, promoting protective factors in the lives of young people who are involved in a pregnancy may help foster healthy development. This is the conclusion from the recently released...
Her own words: Lessons from a Teen Mother.

Her own words: Lessons from a Teen Mother.

Try riding the bus to high school while lugging a bag of heavy textbooks, plus a 3-month-old infant, complete with a day’s worth of baby gear. It will make you strong. While my peers were joking around and having fun on the morning commute, I was–at age 17–suffering...