When mean girls become mommies

When mean girls become mommies

When a mother reaches for a bottle of formula before even trying to put her baby to the breast, I judge. When my neighbour brings home fast food multiple times a week for her kids, I shake my head. And when I see cranky babies in the grocery store at 9 p.m. at night,...
My Struggle with Addiction

My Struggle with Addiction

During the summer of 1996, when I was 11, I became drastically sick with lupus. I was admitted to Children’s Hospital Boston and put on high doses of steroids, which made my face puffy and round and made me gain 80 pounds. Despite frequent hospitalizations, the...
My Mom / My Role Model

My Mom / My Role Model

Just in time for Mother’s Day, a new study from Dove gives moms across the country something to feel good about: a majority of Canadian girls identify their mothers as their biggest female role model. Six in 10 girls between the ages of 10 and 17 named their...