The Economics of Emotion

The Economics of Emotion

  Ok I know …too schooled for cool with the title but really, just hear me out. It’s not some crazy super scientific theory that will go way over your head. It’s simple economics. It’s about the emotional room in your life. You can really only carve out so...


  Too many balls in the air. You’ll understand the title when I explain where this is going. So I’m writing this at home while my youngest daughter is on the couch. It’s 2 pm in the afternoon on a school day. Get where this is going? She is home sick. And not...
Teen Dads: What’s Trending?

Teen Dads: What’s Trending?

  Young fathers are just as important and integral to their children’s lives as young mothers are, but, it just so happens that we know a lot less about young fathers. Past research on young parents has overwhelmingly focused on the mother, in part, this is...


  So I have written a few blogs now and they have been a little on the heavy and emotional side so I decided to try one with a bit of a lighter feel to it. Mothering, after all, isn’t always hard work; it can be hysterically funny and sometimes just downright...


Alone. Feeling alone. Parenting alone. Single parenting is not the same though. Alone takes on a very different meaning. You can be lonely in a room full of people or lonely sitting on the couch in an empty room. You can only be truly, physically alone in one of those...