Bullying on the Rise for Girls

Bullying on the Rise for Girls

Efforts to combat school-aged bullying in Canada may be working – for boys. Girls, on the other hand, are experiencing an increase in the amount they are bullied, and finding it more difficult to cope with everyday psychological stressors. Unfortunately, the gap...
Cutting: Why Teens Hurt Themselves

Cutting: Why Teens Hurt Themselves

Every year millions of kids deliberately cut their own skin, desperately looking for relief from overwhelming stress, anxiety and insecurity. Learn what’s behind the self-injury problem and how parents can stop the pain. Caia Pattynama hesitated the first time...
Mental Illness Leads to Homelessness in BC

Mental Illness Leads to Homelessness in BC

BRITISH COLUMBIA’S HOMELESS SUFFERED FROM SEVERE MENTAL HEALTH CHALLENGES LONG BEFORE THEY LOST THEIR HOMES, A NEW STUDY HAS FOUND. And more than half of Vancouver’s homeless and mentally ill suffer from schizophrenia, according to preliminary data from...