Do you love yourself?

Do you love yourself?

Nicole Andrews The Cridge Young Parent Outreach Program   This blog started with a conversation that lead to 3 more, then a few more after that, then a quote I read: “Be WITH someone who makes you happy!” This is a question that I struggle...


  Too many balls in the air. You’ll understand the title when I explain where this is going. So I’m writing this at home while my youngest daughter is on the couch. It’s 2 pm in the afternoon on a school day. Get where this is going? She is home sick. And not...


  So I have written a few blogs now and they have been a little on the heavy and emotional side so I decided to try one with a bit of a lighter feel to it. Mothering, after all, isn’t always hard work; it can be hysterically funny and sometimes just downright...
Show Me The Money, Honey!

Show Me The Money, Honey!

So I sit here and the title of this blog post would be “Show Me The Money, Honey”. But I am conflicted as I write this because I want to write from a place that represents living in poverty and trying to raise a child. But I also have this other compelling side to...